make a short film
The crew of 2017's short narrative film "Rabbit's Foot" on location at Chicopee Comprehensive High School.
Narrative Film
If you're interested in producing a narrative film, have realistic expectations; it isn't something you can do alone. However, narrative filmmakers would argue that it's the most rewarding form of production - and amazing bonds are built in the making of such a complex art form. If you plan to make a narrative film, here's the absolute minimum of what you'll need:
- A script. (Don't have one? ChicopeeTV has a few on-hand that you could produce!)
- A director. This person will be the mastermind that drives the project with her vision, and will likely do the lion's share of the work.
- At least two crew members in addition to the Director (1 person can't carry all the gear, run the camera, hold the microphone and setup lighting). ChicopeeTV staff won't be able to crew your shoot, but we'll be able to advise - and perhaps connect you with others who are interested in crewing.
- Actors to play all characters within the script.
- Locations to shoot in. If there's a house in your screenplay, you'll need permission to use someone's house. A restaurant? The same...
Ready to take the next step? Write us
Documentary Film
Documentary films can be produced on any topic you're passionate about...from "Great Athletes of Chicopee" to "My Grandmother's Legacy" (and everything in between). Documentaries are somewhat simpler to produce than narrative films (a crew of one is possible), but still require a focus and commitment. You'll need the following to get started:
- A concept. What will your film be about?
- A director. That's likely you - the one who is most passionate about and will guide the project to completion.
- Interview Subjects. Documentaries vary greatly, but most are structured around interviews and "B-roll" (footage of the topic you're shooting about).
Ready to start your documentary? Great! Write us with a little about your project and we'll get you on the road to producing.