to make zombies for the October 2025 film. Complete form below if interested.

SEEKING HAIR & MAKEUP ARTISTS to make zombies for the October 2025 film. Complete form below if interested.

WHAT IS Singing Bridge Pictures?

Filmmaking is the most collaborative art form there is, and requires the contributions of many artists with very different talents: Set, Prop, Makeup & Costume Designers, Actors, Composers, Graphic Artists, Electricians, Photographers, Light Designers (we call them “Gaffers” in film), mechanical geniuses (“Grips”), administrative masterminds (Producers & Production Coordinators), amazing cooks (to feed the crew on shoot days)...the list goes on and on! 

We make community-based short films…to bring the community together in the act of making what we think is the most awesome art form there is…where any interested person in the city, regardless of age, could participate. Partnered with the Mayor’s office and the Chicopee Cultural Council, a very unique endeavor was born: Singing Bridge Pictures.

Our goal: write and produce an original short film each year, right here in Chicopee. The finished film will be screened on a big screen in the city, submitted to film festivals around the world, and shared with the public on ChicopeeTV’s myriad distribution platforms: YouTube, Vimeo, AppleTV, Roku, and channel 191 on Spectrum. Check out stories about it on 22 News, The Reminder and NEPM’s The Fabulous 413.

We’re currently on the hunt for cast & crew members who would be Interested in being a part of our 2025 film.