volunteer to crew

Become a part of the ChicopeeTV community by volunteering to crew other productions.

Become a part of the ChicopeeTV community by volunteering to crew other productions.

Don't have some huge idea to shoot? That shouldn't stop you from getting involved...

Watch the credits at the end of your favorite movie or show and it's clear; the production of moving pictures is a very collaborative process that requires many many people across a huge range of skillsets.

Every production needs:

  • Actors (stage actors and first-timers welcome)
  • Space to shoot (own a local business and are open to hosting a shoot? We need you)
  • Food (love to cook? You're a long shoot day's best friend)
  • Photography (the line between a still image and a moving one is slight; every shoot needs gifted photographers)
  • Music (if you're a composer, rap artist, or member of a band, every production needs music - and it's great exposure for your work)
  • Sound Design (from dragons to gunshots to environmental swooshes, if you love sound, there's a ton of roles you can play in the making of moving pictures)
  • Graphics (if you're good with Photoshop, AfterEffects or other forms of making cool imagery, you're an asset to a production)
  • Or are you just...organized? (In a world of creative types, a grounded soul who's good at organizing people is perhaps the most important crew member...)

Ready to join our roster of folks willing to help?  Write us